Sunday, October 23, 2016

Dr. Seuss Always Has the Answers

As a millennial woman (omg, when did I become a woman?!) I worry about work/life balance all the time. This week I had to call in reinforcements to help clean my apartment because I have been working nonstop. And on the days I rest, I really try to rest. However, the cleanliness of my space is tied to my psyche, and I didn't have a handle on my home. Right now, all I have to take care of is me. I worry that with a husband and kids and a full time job and a passion project or two, something will suffer. I want to have a successful career, but I also want to raise my family. Millennials have gotten the short end of the stick in so many areas, and I wonder if as women we are doing double the workload to get the gender equality we asked for. Where do we find the balance? On my current schedule, I have to force myself to rest at least one day a week and even that's a struggle. I've preached about self-care, but even so, my mind is always running faster than my body can. Usually I'm giving you guys my experiences and advice, but today I'm asking for yours. My millennial ladies - how do you do it all and not burnout? My workaholics - are you taking care of yourselves? My agenda freaks - how are you spreading enough around without stretching yourself too thin? Leave comments below, I would love your feedback, we may all learn something from each other today.


  1. Hi, I am--let's call me E--nd I am a millennial workaholic with a strict agenda. I am also striving to recover my edges from being a millennial workaholic with a strict agenda. You can be a workaholic and take care of yourself. Matter of fact, any successful workaholic know that it is imperative to take care of yourself. Whether you work for yourself or someone else, you are a walking brand and physical and mental health is important. Can't be effective in delivering board room proposals looking raggity and feeling sluggish. Life is about a balance, period. I could draft a narrative on this topic, but my agenda only leaves me 15 minutes for "play time" in the office. :-)

    1. Thank you for sharing! We do have to watch our edges, in hair and in life! That's great that you budget time in for "play", I think that method works well for me too.
