Thursday, September 8, 2016

A Word on Consistency

So...a word on consistency. I have none regarding this blog. So let's catch you up on my life since my last post - essentially I spent the summer preparing for the National Poetry Slam, with my team, Houston VIP Slam. We went to the competition and finished as one of the top 15 teams in the nation out of 72 teams. A week of performing, consuming and being surrounded by art and artists. The whole process was exhilarating, tiring, amazing...I loved it.

Once I returned home from Georgia, I returned to wide open possibilities. I had to make a decision. I decided that I'm going to create my talk show. And I'm going to blog. I'm going to chase my dream of becoming a television personality with fervor. This is the path I've chosen. I'm not waiting on a chance, I'm gonna create my own. I'm not gonna lie, it's terrifying, but I've been told that if your dreams don't scare you, they're not big enough. Today I'd like to encourage you to DO IT AFRAID. (Thanks Deep.) Bravery doesn't mean you're not afraid, it means you do it anyway. So do it anyway, no matter what it is. Text that girl, move to that place, start that thing, get a job you love. And if you want to tell me about it, tweet me using the hashtag #doitafraid.

Also, fun fact: My best friend started a show where we discuss movies called Talking to the Screen. We think it's pretty entertaining, you can listen to it here and tell us if we're right.

I'm going to write to you guys next Sunday, because a word on consistency: I need to have it.