Monday, March 28, 2016

At the Same Damn Time!

I was trying to reenergize myself with this blog. Give myself a project, a sounding board, a measure of my progress all in one. The problem is, I couldn't decide what to focus on. Should it be about healthier living? My poetry conquests? My lifestyle? This blog, like this particular post, is going to be about all of it at the same damn time.

End of March. Lots of milestones this month. For one, I'm transitioning careers. Leaving the world of oil and gags behind for greener pastures in communications, what I went to school for, where my heart is. I'm already feeling external pressures, the side eyes and snide comments, but I decided to take a leap of faith and I truly believe everything is going to work out. I'm ready to stop working jobs and start my CAREER.

Secondly, I made the slam team! I didn't realize I hadn't told you guys, but it has been a month since I posted. We've already started practices and I'm beyond excited about going to the National Poetry Slam in Atlanta this year. I like my team, I like how my writing is growing, and for me to have been so nervous about it, this is one risk that paid off. I think it was in God's divine plan to put these people in my life and give me these experiences.

Houston VIP Slam Team 2016
(the night of the Grand Slam, after making the team)

Next, the health kick has waned off. I did buy groceries every week for about 3 more weeks, but since I'm in between jobs now, shopping has been more conservative. What I'm doing instead is a 30-day workout challenge with one of my best friends, I'll post the rules to that separately in case anyone wants to join in, but I like it because it's realistic and I can keep up with the rules. As a matter of fact, let me just post them now. For 30 days:

No Soda
Drink half a gallon of water a day
Work out 3x a week for 30 minutes
Do 25 squats every time you use the restroom
Do a 1 min plank when you wake up in the morning and when you go to bed at night

Simple, right? And it's a really good way to ease into working out if you're not jazzed about it, which I'm not. I put fresh lemon in my water and I have a cute cup to encourage my daily drinking. I'm not up to half a gallon yet, but I have diligently followed the rest of the rules. We started the challenge on March 24, so I'll keep you guys posted on progress, and I'll post my workouts.

So as not to lose your attention and to emphasize what I want to talk about next, I'm going to make that a new post, but this is a recap on everything going on with me, I hope someone benefits from my period of transition. :-)

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